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Joel Asemota

Optiva Capital



Optiva Migration Software

Optiva Migration Software

Optiva Migration Software

Immigration investment & wealth management for Optiva Capital enabling

users (applicants) migrate between countries.

Immigration investment & wealth management for Optiva Capital enabling users (applicants) migrate between countries.

01 of 09


Project Summary

Project Summary

In the traditional approach, migration fees are managed through spreadsheets or paper-based forms, leading to cumbersome processes and a higher risk of errors. Additionally, these methods often lack the ability to track payment statuses in real-time. To address these challenges, an enterprise solution became essential, allowing for the calculation of fees using system-configured parameters, storing applicants' bio-data for future use, monitoring the entire application lifecycle from quotation to final entry, and tracking payments to partners across various countries.

In the traditional approach, migration fees are managed through spreadsheets or paper-based forms, leading to cumbersome processes and a higher risk of errors. Additionally, these methods often lack the ability to track payment statuses in real-time. To address these challenges, an enterprise solution became essential, allowing for the calculation of fees using system-configured parameters, storing applicants' bio-data for future use, monitoring the entire application lifecycle from quotation to final entry, and tracking payments to partners across various countries.

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Business Goals

Business Goals

Create a system that transitions and simplifies the company's manual immigration processes to a fully automated system, enabling efficient document management, centralized applicants' register, questionnaire-driven data collection, and real-time calculation of quotes based on applicant/client responses, thereby improving efficiency and reducing manual errors.

Create a system that transitions and simplifies the company's manual immigration processes to a fully automated system, enabling efficient document management, centralized applicants' register, questionnaire-driven data collection, and real-time calculation of quotes based on applicant/client responses, thereby improving efficiency and reducing manual errors.

Facilitate smoother financial transactions by implementing a flexible payment system that allows clients to pay in instalments and access loan options, thereby improving the overall client experience during the immigration process.

Facilitate smoother financial transactions by implementing a flexible payment system that allows clients to pay in instalments and access loan options, thereby improving the overall client experience during the immigration process.

Create a collaborative software ecosystem that connects the company with international partners, allowing for real-time data sharing, document submission, and processing for tasks such as bank operations, CBI submissions, and accommodation arrangements, ensuring a smooth, cohesive immigration experience for applicants.

Create a collaborative software ecosystem that connects the company with international partners, allowing for real-time data sharing, document submission, and processing for tasks such as bank operations, CBI submissions, and accommodation arrangements, ensuring a smooth, cohesive immigration experience for applicants.

Team Members


Product Designers


Product Managers


Frontend Developers



Subject Matter Experts



Solution Architects


Backend Developers




Devops Engineer

My Role

Product designer: Research, Web design, Interaction design.


Global mobility services



02 of 09




This is a software that enables the company process documents and particulars of her clients looking to migrate by themselves or with family efficiently. The core operational process begins asking certain questions already configured in the admin which are mapped to binary answers of "Yes/No" and either of these responses determines the next question. At the end of these questionnaire, a quote is calculated alongside the previewed responses which allows the company to either edit some information or confirm the quote based off the interaction with the client. After confirmation, they are transferred to the sales pipeline of the system and allowed to pay these quotes in instalments and even take loans to facilitate some processes. We also require them to submit necessary documents and some documents are processed by on the company. When this is done satisfactorily amidst the back and forth, the necessary documents is sent and amount allocated to their partners in the desired country (these partners also have their software for seamless interaction with the main software of the company) for further manual processing such as submitting to the CBI unit, bank processing, accommodation. 

I was the principal designer for the applications of about the three modules collaborating with the product team and solution architect and occasionally interfacing with the company to seek answers and show solutions as we went along. The key research method that was employed was the field interview where we had to go to the company to understand their interactions with clients and see how this happens naturally as well as user interviews through Microsoft Teams. The reason for these choice methods were because the company was moving its processes from the traditional manual approach to digital so we had to understand it exactly how it is happens and these provided us with great insights to forge towards the next mile stone and constantly getting feedbacks to ensure we remain on the right track and execute within time and budget. 

One of the challenges faced that almost served as a road blocked was the subject experts involved, they somewhat had different interpretations of their processes and when we realised this was causing some issues, we decided to have them meet us together so we all were on the same page and they could rub minds together. Another challenge was the knowledge gap initially because it was an entirely new industry with aloe of moving parts but through communication and collaboration, we were able to achieve the desired goal and satisfy the client. 

This is a software that enables the company process documents and particulars of her clients looking to migrate by themselves or with family efficiently. The core operational process begins asking certain questions already configured in the admin which are mapped to binary answers of "Yes/No" and either of these responses determines the next question. At the end of these questionnaire, a quote is calculated alongside the previewed responses which allows the company to either edit some information or confirm the quote based off the interaction with the client. After confirmation, they are transferred to the sales pipeline of the system and allowed to pay these quotes in instalments and even take loans to facilitate some processes. We also require them to submit necessary documents and some documents are processed by on the company. When this is done satisfactorily amidst the back and forth, the necessary documents is sent and amount allocated to their partners in the desired country (these partners also have their software for seamless interaction with the main software of the company) for further manual processing such as submitting to the CBI unit, bank processing, accommodation. 

I was the principal designer for the applications of about the three modules collaborating with the product team and solution architect and occasionally interfacing with the company to seek answers and show solutions as we went along. The key research method that was employed was the field interview where we had to go to the company to understand their interactions with clients and see how this happens naturally as well as user interviews through Microsoft Teams. The reason for these choice methods were because the company was moving its processes from the traditional manual approach to digital so we had to understand it exactly how it is happens and these provided us with great insights to forge towards the next mile stone and constantly getting feedbacks to ensure we remain on the right track and execute within time and budget. 

One of the challenges faced that almost served as a road blocked was the subject experts involved, they somewhat had different interpretations of their processes and when we realised this was causing some issues, we decided to have them meet us together so we all were on the same page and they could rub minds together. Another challenge was the knowledge gap initially because it was an entirely new industry with aloe of moving parts but through communication and collaboration, we were able to achieve the desired goal and satisfy the client. 

03 of 09

Problem Statements

Some of the problems highlighted by the clients were:

Some of the problems highlighted by the clients were:

By carefully analyzing Optiva Capital's existing operations, interviewing some members of the Clients' relations department as well as some of its applicants, we were able to outline the following issues:

By carefully analyzing Optiva Capital's existing operations, interviewing some members of the Clients' relations department as well as some of its applicants, we were able to outline the following issues:

The company relied on traditional methods, like spreadsheets and paper-based forms, making it difficult to handle large volumes of client applications and particulars efficiently.

The company relied on traditional methods, like spreadsheets and paper-based forms, making it difficult to handle large volumes of client applications and particulars efficiently.

Data related to clients’ bio-data and payment history was scattered, leading to repeated manual entries and difficulty in retrieving client information for future applications.

Data related to clients’ bio-data and payment history was scattered, leading to repeated manual entries and difficulty in retrieving client information for future applications.

Tracking installment payments or loans was tedious and difficult, leading to financial friction and inefficiencies throughout the immigration process.

Tracking installment payments or loans was tedious and difficult, leading to financial friction and inefficiencies throughout the immigration process.

There was no streamlined process for tracking the life cycle of applications—from initial quote generation, through document submission, to final approval—resulting in operational delays.

There was no streamlined process for tracking the life cycle of applications—from initial quote generation, through document submission, to final approval—resulting in operational delays.

The communication and document flow between Optiva and its international partners (in the client’s desired country) was fragmented, slowing down essential tasks like CBI submissions, bank processing, and accommodation arrangements.

The communication and document flow between Optiva and its international partners (in the client’s desired country) was fragmented, slowing down essential tasks like CBI submissions, bank processing, and accommodation arrangements.

The absence of a system to monitor real-time payment statuses and allocate funds to partners in different countries posed a significant challenge to efficient financial operations.

The absence of a system to monitor real-time payment statuses and allocate funds to partners in different countries posed a significant challenge to efficient financial operations.

04 of 09




There is a need for an innovative tool that streamlines the immigration process, provides accurate costs, and enhances the overall user experience. Employers can easily add applicants to the applicant register and generate a quote for their fees. The system also issues invoices to applicants in installments, making it easy to manage payments. Once payment is received, the system generates a receipt for future reference. 

We did an in-depth research and had consecutive meetings with the business stakeholders how how they run their day to day process of managing clients request for immigration and residency application before diving into the design steps. We outlined how we were going to run the project we might encounter and procured solutions to those issues to develop a winning user experience.

Through field research, extensive meetings, and interviews with Optiva’s business stakeholders, we carefully mapped out their end-to-end client interaction process—from initial inquiries to immigration approval. We also engaged subject matter experts within Optiva and its global partners to capture the specific pain points that hindered operational efficiency.

The final solution provided Optiva with a fully automated, client-friendly system that simplified their immigration processes, reduced manual errors, and enhanced collaboration with their global partners, ensuring a smooth transition from traditional methods to a highly efficient digital operation.

There is a need for an innovative tool that streamlines the immigration process, provides accurate costs, and enhances the overall user experience. Employers can easily add applicants to the applicant register and generate a quote for their fees. The system also issues invoices to applicants in installments, making it easy to manage payments. Once payment is received, the system generates a receipt for future reference. 

We did an in-depth research and had consecutive meetings with the business stakeholders how how they run their day to day process of managing clients request for immigration and residency application before diving into the design steps. We outlined how we were going to run the project we might encounter and procured solutions to those issues to develop a winning user experience.

Through field research, extensive meetings, and interviews with Optiva’s business stakeholders, we carefully mapped out their end-to-end client interaction process—from initial inquiries to immigration approval. We also engaged subject matter experts within Optiva and its global partners to capture the specific pain points that hindered operational efficiency.

The final solution provided Optiva with a fully automated, client-friendly system that simplified their immigration processes, reduced manual errors, and enhanced collaboration with their global partners, ensuring a smooth transition from traditional methods to a highly efficient digital operation.

Core Modules

There were several moving parts that ensures the smooth process from quote generation for an applicant till they get to their desired destination. Some of the most important wheels are:

There were several moving parts that ensures the smooth process from quote generation for an applicant till they get to their desired destination. Some of the most important wheels are:


Once a user is created by a super admin, they receive an email with instructions to complete their account setup. This includes setting their preferred password,

Once a user is created by a super admin, they receive an email with instructions to complete their account setup. This includes setting their preferred password,

Admin Settings

Allows admin to perform various configurations, including managing migration routes, countries, bank accounts, users, currencies, partners, documents, and defining features, roles, and permissions.

Allows admin to perform various configurations, including managing migration routes, countries, bank accounts, users, currencies, partners, documents, and defining features, roles, and permissions.

Quote Calculator

This feature allows for the calculations based on predefined parameters, and the final quotes are sent to the applicants for approval.

This feature allows for the calculations based on predefined parameters, and the final quotes are sent to the applicants for approval.

Sales Service

Sales Service: This pipeline manages the process following approval, overseeing all steps until the documents are ready to be sent to international partners.

Sales Service: This pipeline manages the process following approval, overseeing all steps until the documents are ready to be sent to international partners.

International Partners

This feature facilitates the synchronization of partners with core Optiva users, ensuring effective representation of applicants in their destination country.

This feature facilitates the synchronization of partners with core Optiva users, ensuring effective representation of applicants in their destination country.

Financial Tracker

This module manages loans, invoices, receipts, fund allocations, and transactions, ensuring smooth financial interactions throughout the immigration process.

This module manages loans, invoices, receipts, fund allocations, and transactions, ensuring smooth financial interactions throughout the immigration process.

05 of 09


My Process: From Discovery to Delivery

My Process: From Discovery to Delivery

After the project was appraised, it became necessary to delve into the finer details to uncover how the process currently operated. This helped us map out various journey maps, which we continuously refined to discover the most efficient route without disrupting the business model.

We developed a few low-fidelity designs of these solutions, along with sketches and proposals for enhancements aimed at making the process even smoother. We presented these to the team, most of which received approval, allowing us to move forward with development.

After the project was appraised, it became necessary to delve into the finer details to uncover how the process currently operated. This helped us map out various journey maps, which we continuously refined to discover the most efficient route without disrupting the business model.

We developed a few low-fidelity designs of these solutions, along with sketches and proposals for enhancements aimed at making the process even smoother. We presented these to the team, most of which received approval, allowing us to move forward with development.

5-weeks laser-focused delivery

06 of 09

User Research

Some Interview Questions

Some Interview Questions

🧐 Question 1

How do you handle document collection, storage, and management?

How do you handle document collection, storage, and management?

💡 Key Insights

Admins often use multiple systems for document management, leading to delays and misplaced files. A centralized document management system would streamline operations, reducing errors and improving efficiency in handling applications.

Admins often use multiple systems for document management, leading to delays and misplaced files. A centralized document management system would streamline operations, reducing errors and improving efficiency in handling applications.

🧐 Question 2

How do you track payments and transactions across different stakeholders?

How do you track payments and transactions across different stakeholders?

💡 Key Insights

Tracking payments is challenging, with financial inconsistencies due to the lack of a unified system. A financial tracker consolidating invoices, loans, and payments would improve accuracy, transparency, and ease of reconciliation.

Tracking payments is challenging, with financial inconsistencies due to the lack of a unified system. A financial tracker consolidating invoices, loans, and payments would improve accuracy, transparency, and ease of reconciliation.

🧐 Question 3

What kind of data insights or reports would help you better manage your workflows?

What kind of data insights or reports would help you better manage your workflows?

💡 Key Insights

Admins struggle with accessing real-time data on application statuses and financials. Developing customized dashboards with analytics on case progress, payment history, and team performance would enhance decision-making and streamline workflow management.

Admins struggle with accessing real-time data on application statuses and financials. Developing customized dashboards with analytics on case progress, payment history, and team performance would enhance decision-making and streamline workflow management.

🧐 Question 4

What challenges did you face during the initial quote and application process?

What challenges did you face during the initial quote and application process?

💡 Key Insights

Applicants often encounter confusion with pricing details and eligibility requirements during the quote phase, leading to delays. Streamlining this phase by simplifying the interface and providing clearer instructions can reduce inefficiencies and improve user experience.

Applicants often encounter confusion with pricing details and eligibility requirements during the quote phase, leading to delays. Streamlining this phase by simplifying the interface and providing clearer instructions can reduce inefficiencies and improve user experience.

🧐 Question 5

How do you prefer to manage payments—one-time, in installments, or with financial assistance like loans?

How do you prefer to manage payments—one-time, in installments, or with financial assistance like loans?

💡 Key Insights

Applicants favor flexible payment methods, including installment plans and loans, to ease financial burdens. Offering tailored payment solutions can increase satisfaction and make the process more accessible to a broader audience.

Applicants favor flexible payment methods, including installment plans and loans, to ease financial burdens. Offering tailored payment solutions can increase satisfaction and make the process more accessible to a broader audience.

🧐 Question 6

What difficulties have you encountered in submitting or tracking your documents?

What difficulties have you encountered in submitting or tracking your documents?

💡 Key Insights

Applicants find document submission and tracking cumbersome, with little real-time visibility on status updates. Improving the system’s transparency by introducing real-time tracking and helping them obtain and notarize documents when possible.

Applicants find document submission and tracking cumbersome, with little real-time visibility on status updates. Improving the system’s transparency by introducing real-time tracking and helping them obtain and notarize documents when possible.

🧐 Question 7

How do you currently receive and manage client data from Optiva? What challenges do you face in this process?

How do you currently receive and manage client data from Optiva? What challenges do you face in this process?

💡 Key Insights

Understanding the specific challenges partners face with data synchronization can lead to tailored improvements in collaboration tools, enhancing overall efficiency.

Understanding the specific challenges partners face with data synchronization can lead to tailored improvements in collaboration tools, enhancing overall efficiency.

🧐 Question 8

What specific information or documents do you require to process an application efficiently?

What specific information or documents do you require to process an application efficiently?

💡 Key Insights

Identifying the essential documents partners need for processing applications allows for the optimization of document-sharing features, ensuring smoother collaboration and faster processing times.

Identifying the essential documents partners need for processing applications allows for the optimization of document-sharing features, ensuring smoother collaboration and faster processing times.

07 of 09

User Persona

User persona

User persona

08 of 09

UI Solutions

Final designs

  • Dashboard

  • Dashboard

The simplified dashboard is where the agency representatives view a summary of applicant requests and latest activities of application processes based on country, gender etc. The dashboard has date filter that allows the user view past and current information about their system applicants. The dashboard had to be optimized for mobile app experience, easy to read, prioritize the data visualization to display info from the highest priority to the least and still give room to take major actions.

The simplified dashboard is where the agency representatives view a summary of applicant requests and latest activities of application processes based on country, gender etc. The dashboard has date filter that allows the user view past and current information about their system applicants. The dashboard had to be optimized for mobile app experience, easy to read, prioritize the data visualization to display info from the highest priority to the least and still give room to take major actions.

  • Quote Calculator

  • Quote Calculator

The Quote Calculator employs predefined algorithms and logic to ensure precision in calculating service costs and generating quotes. Its specialization in the immigration service industry addresses the common demand for accurate pricing information, empowering customers to experiment with different service options and gain insights into their cost implications. This transparency fosters trust by offering applicants a detailed breakdown of costs based on various components. 

The Quote Calculator employs predefined algorithms and logic to ensure precision in calculating service costs and generating quotes. Its specialization in the immigration service industry addresses the common demand for accurate pricing information, empowering customers to experiment with different service options and gain insights into their cost implications. This transparency fosters trust by offering applicants a detailed breakdown of costs based on various components. 

  • Applicants

  • Applicants

The Applicants flow starts with users creating profiles and answering immigration-related questions. The Quote Calculator generates real-time cost estimates based on responses, allowing users to explore options and view detailed breakdowns. After confirming their quotes, applicants submit necessary documents and select a payment method—one-time fee, installments, or loans.

The Applicants flow starts with users creating profiles and answering immigration-related questions. The Quote Calculator generates real-time cost estimates based on responses, allowing users to explore options and view detailed breakdowns. After confirming their quotes, applicants submit necessary documents and select a payment method—one-time fee, installments, or loans.

  • Sales

  • Sales

The Sales Service flow begins once an applicant's quote is approved. Agency representatives manage the application by reviewing documents and generating invoices based on the agreed quote. After payment confirmation, funds are allocated to international partners to ensure services are funded. Throughout this phase, the team communicates with applicants, providing updates and coordinating with partners for efficient request handling.

The Sales Service flow begins once an applicant's quote is approved. Agency representatives manage the application by reviewing documents and generating invoices based on the agreed quote. After payment confirmation, funds are allocated to international partners to ensure services are funded. Throughout this phase, the team communicates with applicants, providing updates and coordinating with partners for efficient request handling.

  • Partner

  • Partner

he Partner flow starts when agency representatives share applicant information with international partners. Partners receive notifications about new applications, enabling real-time status tracking. They communicate any additional requirements back to the agency, ensuring smooth information exchange. The system allows partners to access financial allocations, facilitating timely payments and documentation submission, leading to successful outcomes for applicants.

he Partner flow starts when agency representatives share applicant information with international partners. Partners receive notifications about new applications, enabling real-time status tracking. They communicate any additional requirements back to the agency, ensuring smooth information exchange. The system allows partners to access financial allocations, facilitating timely payments and documentation submission, leading to successful outcomes for applicants.

09 of 09



We have simplified the immigration process based on the clients request, making it more transparent, organized, and user centric. The above designs and been developed and deployed to clients system environment but right now we are in the second phase of the project called “After-Sales”, where we are helping the client develop system that allows the agency manage the applicants invoices, payment, repayment process in the case where the applicate is using installment or loan service which is part of the service the company offer.

Next Project



Immigration investment & wealth management for Optiva Capital enabling users (applicants) migrate between countries.

Immigration investment & wealth management for Optiva Capital enabling users (applicants) migrate between countries.

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